Loxley And His Big Emotions by Kyree Harvey
Author: Kyree Harvey
Illustrator: Gabriel San Martin
This sweet and funny story shows how our LITTLE people are just trying to be BIG people, but they are still learning how to express how they feel in a grown up way.
Learn how to pause and be calm with your little loves, with a special set of hidden affirmation cards inside. Let them feel empowered and embrace each of their BIG feelings
Suited for all children ages 2-10
1. Limited edition children's book
2. Hard cover with beautiful glossy detailing
3. Set of 7 keepsake affirmation cards inside the book. Each with gold embossed detailing, for an even more magical experience
Little Loxley has BIG emotions. He’s a lot like every other child who struggles sometimes to express how they are feeling, or say what they mean."
Loxley goes through the day feeling ALL the BIG feelings that bubble up inside him, making him cranky and grumbly in his little tummy.
Sometimes Loxley is sad, angry, frustrated, embarrassed, and even overwhelmed. But his Mum and Dad have some helpful tricks up their sleeves to help Loxley’s grumbly tummy disappear.
"This morning Loxley woke up in a MOOD. He felt grumpy and cranky and grumbly in his tummy.
He got out of bed with his grumpy face all crinkled and grouchy.
Loxley threw his blanket onto his bed with a giant HUFF and a giant PUFF. He just couldn’t make it right. This made Loxley even more grumpy and cranky and grumbly in his tummy."
Release Date: August 2022
ISBN: 978-0-6451669-4-1 (Hardback)
Publisher: KMD Books